Samsung CLX-M8380A
Samsung CLX-M8380A. Paginaopbrengst: 12000 paginas, Printtechnologie: Laser, Printkleuren: magentaunique toner designThe SAMSUNG colour printer series is the smallest and lightest consumable in its class targeting personal and SOHO users. It features compact toner bottles, instead of bulky cartridges for complete customer satisfaction.NO NOIS?NO NOIS? technology says it all: no noise. Far quieter than its competitors, this machine registers at 48 decibels for colour printing. No more distractions as the printer rattles on in the background. Imagine a home or office environment where the printer tasks as it work gets done. Thanks to its innovative technology, mini-noise equals NO NOIS?.automatic toner monitoring systemNotifies customers when the toner is low or out, giving them worry-free control over printing.